this is not shocking (well not shocking in that it shouldn't be a SURPRISE to us. it still is shocking that we allow this to happen. we allow big bid-nez to ply our politicians with goddess only knows what, so they'll vote in their favor. it's GOT to stop. lobbying all together).
our health care system MUST be changed and it MUST be changed now. there is no reason for it NOT to change EXCEPT a few good ol' whiteboyz will have less gold in their purses.
why do a great many americans except the lies that are out there now?
it's time for not only the democrats but barack obama to grow some stones.
Revealed: millions spent by lobby firms fighting Obama health reforms
Six lobbyists for every member of Congress as healthcare industry heaps cash on politicians to water down legislation
Chris McGreal
America's healthcare industry has spent hundreds of millions of dollars to block the introduction of public medical insurance and stall other reforms promised by Barack Obama. The campaign against the president has been waged in part through substantial donations to key politicians.
Supporters of radical reform of healthcare say legislation emerging from the US Senate reflects the financial power of vested interests ‑ principally insurance companies, pharmaceutical firms and hospitals ‑ that have worked to stop far-reaching changes threatening their profits.
The industry and interest groups have spent $380m (£238m) in recent months influencing healthcare legislation through lobbying, advertising and in direct political contributions to members of Congress. The largest contribution, totalling close to $1.5m, has gone to the chairman of the senate committee drafting the new law........
Watchdogs: Health industry giving more to Congress than thought
A joint study by two political watchdog groups has found that Sen. Max Baucus -- the Montana Democrat who authored the principal health care reform bill being debated in the Senate -- was a major recipient of "contribution clusters" from lobbyists linked to health care groups.
The study, from the Center for Responsive Politics and the Sunlight Foundation, says members of Congress working on health care reform are receiving more money from the health industry than people realize.......
I liked particularly the point made about the Senate version eliminating the Public Option while leaving intact the punitive measures against the uninsured, thus guaranteeing that those people will be frog-marched into the waiting arms of the insurance companies, who will then have carte blanche to screw everybody equally (except of course for those crypto-communists who receive Medicare, Medicaid, and VA benefits).
my dad i guess is one of them there cryptos. he receives two of those three benefits
Mine too :-)
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