a fucking brain
i'm sick of this shite. the earth is NOT 4 or 5 or 6,000 years old. there is NO proof YOUR god exists. the bible along with every other piece of 'holy, sacred (or whatever one wishes to call it) literature for all times and all religions was written BY man FOR man (for two reasons, fear of the unknown AND power). there are no demons coming from holes in the ground, there are no planets where men are gods and they get to have hundreds if not thousands of wives. there were no angels that flew down into sodom and gomorrah. there is a separation of church and state in america. remember that all you fuckwads. don't push your beliefs on me. i have my own. i read somewhere (or heard it, i'm not sure. i have forgotten who wrote it or said it, otherwise i'd give them direct credit. all i know is, it wasn't me) your religion is the one true one and everyone who believes something else is going to hell. well my religion is the one true one and everyone who believes something else is going to hell. well their religion is the one true one and everyone who believes something else is going to hell. SO we are ALL FUCKING GOING TO HELL it would seem. no? yes!
keep your fucking laws out of and off of MY body
Rep. Trent Franks: Obama is "Enemy of Humanity"
Posted by Brian Montopoli
Over the weekend, Republican Congressman Trent Franks said at the "How to Take Back America" conference that President Obama is an "enemy of humanity."
Today, a spokesman for Franks said the Arizona representative should have made clear that he was discussing the president's position on abortion. ......
.............Franks spokesman Bethany Haley said the congressman was referring to "unborn humanity," according to the Associated Press, and should have been more clear. She added that Franks was saying the president's abortion policies have "no place in any station of government," not that the president himself should have no place in the government.
She added to the AP that Franks "was just referring to the way President Obama has set himself up as the most pro-abortion president in America's history."
People for the American Way, a liberal advocacy group, recorded and disseminated Franks' comments.
In other Franks news, the congressman said in an interview with The Washington Independent's Dave Weigel that he believes President Obama is a natural-born citizen. Franks, who considered suing the president for proof of citizenship before the election, called for the president to release his long-form birth certificate to settle the matter...........
he's a fucking birther too. why am i NOT surprised?
Trent Franks: Obama Should ‘Settle’ Birth Conspiracy ‘Once and For All’
By David WeigelBethany Haley, a spokeswoman for the Republican congressman from Arizona, expands on the comments Franks made about President Obama’s citizenship at a town hall meeting this weekend. Franks was misquoted, says Haley, and only said that “he had, at one time, considered the possibility of filing a lawsuit back when the issue was first brought to his attention before and just after the election.”
But Haley also drags Franks deeper into the controversy:
[He] believes it’s ridiculous for the President of the United States, who ran on a platform of transparency and accountability, to dismiss so glibly the concerns of literally millions of Americans, and allow such a ridiculous debate to continue when it could so easily be settled once and for all..............
pic: (www.house.gov)
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