yo yo yo search it!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

i am going to ask you NOT to ever buy bacardi again

EVER. i pledge i NEVER EVER will. EVER

this not only perpetuates stereotypes but is insulting and evil.

there are far far far better rums out there anyway. myers, mount gay and goslings to name just three.

i don't think i'd personally use the services of mccann digital but i'm going to make sure they know how i feel about this

Boycott Bacardi

Many commercials use misogynistic messages and stereotypes to promote their product, especially products geared to men such as beer. As it turns out, advertisements targeted for women can be equally offensive and ridiculous. Take, for instance, the advertisements for Bacardi Breezers stating that the must-need accessory for a woman is an ugly female friend so they can seem more attractive in comparison................

Bacardi Ad Uses Misogyny To Sell Alcohol To Women

By Margaret
A disgusting new promotional site for Bacardi Breezers says all that women need to be more attractive is to find an more unattractive female friend to stand next to.

According to Copyranter, Israeli ad agency McCann Digital launched the "Get An Ugly Girlfriend!" site in Hebrew and English along with a Hebrew-only facebook group to promote the fruit-flavored alcoholic beverages........

Want to look hot this summer? Bacardi suggests getting an “ugly girlfriend”

I’m a teetotaler for various reasons* — at 30, I’ve never even been drunk if you can believe that — but even if I were the most raging of party girls, Bacardi’s new “Get an ugly girlfriend” ad campaign wouldn’t convince me to buy its line of fruity Breezers.

Remember the discussion the other day on how the beauty beast pits women against each other? This is a prime example. The campaign suggests that women — that is, attractive women — accessorize themselves with an “ugly girlfriend” in order to make themselves look better at the mall, the beach and other social situations. The four “ugly girlfriends” featured on the campaign’s minisite are equal-opportunity offensive, including fat, thin and disabled women..............

Take Action Against Bacardi & McCann Digital for "Ugly Girlfriend" Campaign

by Jen Nedeau

As you may have read about in yesterday's Friday Femme Fatale, McCann Digital, a large advertising agency, has just put out this rather sexist campaign on behalf of Barcadi titled the "Ugly Girlfriend” campaign.

From Women's Media Center:

McCann Digital has teamed up with Bacardi Breezers to target their beverages to women, who “want to look amazing this summer” by accessorizing with “an ugly girlfriend.” Of course, there are different options – and each is ripped apart by describing different woman as having, “97 kilograms of femininity, strength and double chins,” “rubbing thighs,” and “drooping breasts.” Apparently, having them by your side will make you, “the most desirable piece of meat on the grill.”

It’s not clear what overly sweet wine coolers – it really just seems to take a very nauseating, pointless dig at women – displaying blatant misogyny and using it to sell their products to women themselves........

Summer's hot accessory: Ugly girlfriends!

Forget hitting the treadmill or the tanning bed in hopes of looking hot this summer, because Bacardi has discovered a secret shortcut to sexiness: An ugly female friend. If you make your beach premiere with an unattractive pal in tow, you'll look fantastic ... in comparison!

Such is the advice given in an ad campaign (via Copyranter) recently launched in Tel Aviv for Bacardi's girly Breezer drinks. The official Web site is in Hebrew, but -- lucky for us, and too bad for Bacardi -- the ad agency has an English version on its site...................


Malicious Intent said...

I make it so much easier than that.
We simply don't drink at all.
I know, it sounds kinda boring...but we have had a lot of fun coming up with some crazy concoctions with fruits, berries and all that mint I am growing in my yard.

WeezieLou said...

we also don't drink much - but i will pass it on. that's just disgusting!!!

Unknown said...

when i drink, it's usually stoli, but i do like rum. it's NEVER going to be bacardi though.

i love me some fruit drinks as well (i mean non-alcoholic).

nothing beats my coffee though. i am addicted