yo yo yo search it!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

as i said, i KNEW she did't fall asleep

i couldn't (but then again i'm a chronic insomniac getting about 2 to 3 hours a night) and i'm not sure anyone could. MAYBE MAYBE and that's a BIG maybe if it were tiny and on one of the fat parts of your arm. BUT NOT 56 EFFING STARS ON ONE'S EFFING FACE

as the tattoo artist proclaimed from the beginning HE WAS INNOCENT. the woman only complained when pops saw her face

Girl who claimed her face was tattooed while sleeping comes clean
Kimberly Vlaeminck, 18, made headlines when she claimed last week to have woken up from a tattoo session with 56 stars on her face. She said she had asked for just three small ones. Turns out though, Vlaeminck was lying. From the Sydney Morning Herald: I asked for 56 stars and initially adored them. But when my father saw them, he was furious. So I said I fell asleep and that the tattooist had made a mistake," Ms Vlaeminck told Dutch TV..........


Malicious Intent said...

Now I love tattoos, and I insist on designing what goes on my body, and I do love stars (for obvious reasons) and I have been known to fight snoozing off while getting work done because it does relax me....but this, this is off the charts. She appears to have a serious case of acne or the black plaque, not sure which. Either way, she is gonna have to live with it or fork out the cash for laser removal.

BTW the artist sucks. Those starts are horrible.

Unknown said...

i love stars as well. each one of my pieces has stars in it or around it. they ALL do.

i also have a hand in designing. i can't draw but i know what i want (and don't want) on my body