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Sunday, March 08, 2009

she's baaaaaaaaaaaack (well she never went away)

i really don't get this. when that f**kwad king george took away our freedoms and our libertys this piece o' steamin' shite didn't say a word. now that a democrat (and i don't consider him as being too 'liberal' at all. he's made some mighty mighty conservative choices since being our president. sure, he's made some non conservative ones too. there's a mix going on. it's all fine by me SO LONG AS KING GEORGE'S REIGN IS OVER) is in office the country is going to hell in a handbasket (well it is but due to a BUNCH of things, democrats in power is NOT one of them. ) because we're on the road to socialism? no babe, we're NOT on the road to socialism. we're actually getting some of our freedoms back you stupid bio-tch you

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