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Wednesday, September 19, 2007

shiver me timbers

aye maties did ye think I would forget? Nay. Tis talk like a pirate day again. seems t’was just a fortnight ago it last be talk like a pirate day. me hearties, may all the booty of the world be left at ye door (NOOOOOOOO NOT THAT KIND OF BOOTY)

talk like a pirate
talk like a pirate day

pirate talk

My pirate name is:

Iron Bess Flint

A pirate's life isn't easy; it takes a tough person. That's okay with you, though, since you a tough person. Like the rock flint, you're hard and sharp. But, also like flint, you're easily chipped, and sparky. Arr!
Get your own pirate name from piratequiz.com.
part of the fidius.org network

reformed pirate: www.gutenberg.org/.../15373-h/images/image25.jpg

some cool pirate knitting charts:

argyle scull

scull scarf

we call them pirates

pirate socks

scull socks of fury

kid's pirate hat

the pirate queen's booty bag

craft like a pirate

pirate lil


Anonymous said...

I talked like a pirate to my client today. She looked at my like I was a dangerous lunatic.

Unknown said...

just the opposite happened to me today rick. i was standing between two of my friend's desks at work (and yes it WAS bid-nez i was discussing). one of them said, 'shiver me timbers' and i went nuts. i asked how she knew it was talk like a pirate day. she said she didn't. i insisted it was and they both were in shock. after about 3 seconds all three of us were laughing so hard, we were crying. they sort of didn't believe me still, so as soon as i got back to my desk, i sent them a bunch of links to the festive holiday. i could hear them howling...............

i know you said you never wanted to work in an office again. next talk like a pirate day, you're welcome to come in as my guest rick. no one will look at you like a lunatic. after all, I WORK THERE

Anonymous said...

Sounds like fun.

Unfortunately, Talk Like a Pirate Day occurs right in the middle of my busiest work season (Autumn) . . . If it happened in January, February, or March I'd be able to travel anywhere.

Unknown said...

we'll just have to find another holiday to celebrate in that case