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Monday, July 16, 2007

a literary meme

from our dear friend cv rick

The rules are:
Grab the nearest book.
Open the book to page 123.
Find the fifth sentence.
Post the text of the next 4 sentences on your blog along with these instructions.
Don’t you dare dig for that “cool” or “intellectual” book on your shelf. Don't go to the other room to find that old textbook. I know you were thinking about it. Just pick up whatever is closest

My grief was inexpressible. As
soon as
its violence abated, I resolved to return to Stratsbourg, to throw
myself with
my two Children at my Father's feet, and implore his
forgiveness, though I
little hoped to obtain it. What was my consternation
when informed, that no one
entrusted with the secret of their retreat, was
ever permitted to quit the troop
of the Banditti; That I must give up all
hopes of ever rejoining society, and
consent instantly to accepting one of
their Band for my Husband! My prayers and
remonstrances were

from The Monk
by Matthew Lewis

(it's in my desk at work. i haven't read it and i don't even know where i got it-but it's new and never been read)


pissed off patricia said...

The book nearest me is my dictionary. I doubt if that fits the bill. :)

Unknown said...

i need a dictionary closer to me!