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Friday, June 29, 2007

what a GREAT ambassador

for truth, JUSTICE and the american way!!!


a judge who also (in addition to king george and his court) spits on our constitution

i too think we have to defend ourselves against terrorists (many of which WE are responsible for creating. NO not all of them, but many). BUT this is america not north korea, or cuba, or iran. WE have to do it within the boundries of our OWN laws

Secret trials for terrorists, says US judge

David Nason, Chicago

A TOP-RANKING US judge has stunned a conference of Australian judges and barristers in Chicago by advocating secret trials for terrorists, more surveillance of Muslim populations across North America and an end to counter-terrorism efforts being "hog-tied" by the US constitution.
Judge Richard Posner, a supposedly liberal-leaning jurist regarded by many as a future US Supreme Court candidate, said traditional concepts of criminal justice were inadequate to deal with the terrorist threat and the US had "over-invested" in them.
His proposed "big brother" solutions flabbergasted delegates at the Australian Bar Association's biennial conference, where David Hicks's lawyer, Major Michael Mori, is to be awarded honorary life membership.
"We have to fight terrorism with our strengths, and our strengths evolve around technology, including the technology of surveillance," said Justice Posner, a prolific legal scholar who sits on the US Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit. .........

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