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Tuesday, June 05, 2007

i've made up my mind

i want al gore to be our next president (AGAIN)

Bob Herbert: The Passion of Al Gore

Al Gore is earnestly talking about the long-term implications of the energy and climate crises, and how the Arctic ice cap is receding much faster than computer models had predicted, and how difficult and delicate a task it will be to try and set things straight in Iraq.You look at him and you can’t help thinking how bizarre it is that this particular political figure, perhaps the most qualified person in the country to be president, is sitting in a wing chair in a hotel room in Manhattan rather than in the White House.He’s pushing his book “The Assault on Reason.” I find myself speculating on what might have been if the man who got the most votes in 2000 had actually become president. It’s like imagining an alternate universe............


Anonymous said...

There was an episode of Family Guy where Peter accidentally winds up changing history, and one of the ripples is that Al Gore became president. Global warming was reversed, there was medical care for all, unemployment was way down, and the national deficit was paid off in full. i believe there was even peace in the Middle East. Of course, it didn't stay that way for long (Peter's needs were more pressing), but it was an awfully nice idea. ~smiling~

Anonymous said...

Uck, please excuse the grammatical disaster in the first sentences of my last comment. i have no idea how it got that bad.

Unknown said...

yeah but jean, in the episode, who shot jr?