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Saturday, June 09, 2007


no matter what i thought of general pace before and after his gays in the military outing (sorry, couldn't help that), i don't blame HIM for what is the debacle in iraq. is he going to get blamed? sure. not totally but he'll take some of the heat. we all know who is REALLY to blame though. king george and his court. they do NOT listen to ANY advice they are given. they do as they wish even if it is contrary to what is right, just and lawful and against the wishes of the people whom they serve, US

it's NOT the military leaders we have to fire, IT'S KING GEORGE AND HIS COURT. you know EVERYONE else is JUST A PUPPET

Joint Chiefs Chair Will Bow Out
Pentagon Wary of Thorny Reconfirmation Hearings

By Josh White and Thomas E. Ricks
Washington Post Staff Writers

Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates announced yesterday that Marine Gen. Peter Pace will step down as chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff in September, a move that Gates said will avert the contentious congressional hearings that would be needed to reconfirm the nation's top military officer. Pace will leave after just two years in the post, the shortest stint as chairman in more than four decades.

The surprise announcement yesterday at the Pentagon amounts to Pace being fired before a customary second two-year term. He has served as the top military adviser to President Bush and the defense secretary since 2005, leading a war effort that has frustrated the American public and appears no closer to a conclusion.


Commander Zaius said...
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Commander Zaius said...

I could be very wrong on this but I have some idea that Pace was "retired" because he would be forced tp actually tell the truth to Congress about a great many things concerning Ferret's Folly.

Didn't pay much attention to the news while I was on vacation but sadly little changed anyway.

Unknown said...

i know pace had input all along on the war. but again, i don't blame him

i think you and i blame the SAME people