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Monday, June 04, 2007

freedom of speech?

not in north korea, not in venezuela, not in china and it looks like NOT IN AMERICA EITHER

not only can't we let this happen to ANYONE in america, we ESPECIALLY can't let it happen to a VETERAN

'Anti-war' Iraq veteran fights military over war protests

Nick Juliano

A veteran of the Iraq war is accusing the military of trying to stifle the freedom of speech he volunteered to fight to protect.
After serving his country in Iraq, former Marine Sgt. Adam Kokesh grew disillusioned with US involvement there and became an anti-war activist. He participated in demonstrations around Washington, including Operation First Casualty, which was organized by Iraq Veterans Against the War in March.
Kokesh's anti-war activity and his correspondence with Marine investigators has rankled the military enough that it is working to revoke the veteran's "honorable discharge" designation. Kokesh will appear before a military hearing in Kansas City, Mo., Monday to fight the military's attempt to change his discharge status to "other than honorable."............


Connecticut Man1 said...

I wrote about this last week. Wonkette had a great photo up the other day of him at the Alberto Gonzales hearings holding up a sign keeping the score on how many times GONEzo said "I can't remember" or "I don't recall" or "I can't remember if I don't recall" or etc.

What a great way to treat a vet.

Unknown said...

yeah they send them over there and if they're fairly lucky and don't come home in a box, THEY treat them like shite.

how DARE they

i swear to you when people say i'm not a loyal american because i protest the war............i want to scream. i would NEVER treat an enlisted person OR a vet they way THEY do (they being king george and his court of course)

Connecticut Man1 said...

as per your question:

No, it is not unusual... It is the norm. Like I said, it is an 8 year contract. If you only serve for 2 years you are still obliged for 6 more on the IRR. I served for 4 years (until 2001), so I got my official discharge in 2005.

Kokesh was still on the IRR and waiting for his second (and official) honorable discharge. 3 more weeks and he would have had it and they couldn't have touched him.

Wonkette hit on an interesting point concerning Kokesh. He was a respected by the right wing (as in, they couldn't tear up a hardcore Marine) as long as he had the honorable discharge. Kind of untouchable.

If he loses that status they will likely start grinding him up on the right wing Blogs.

That could, very well, be what this is all about. Think about it.

Unknown said...

thanks for the scoop! i'm ignorant of the ways of the armed forces.

i have a feeling mr kokesh can take care of himself. yeah, it would be evil if he were attacked but 'THEY' will stop at NOTHING (and i just don't understand why they keep backing this shite)