yo yo yo search it!

Saturday, October 28, 2006

i have no idea what any of this is

i haven't been paying attention to the republicans saying webb wrote a novel containing pornography. i had no idea lynn cheney wrote a novel either. with or without lesbians, brothels and rapes. i don't really care about either of their literary efforts. what i DO care about is:

IF the republicans are saying 'pornography' is WRONG....WHO THE HELL is watching, reading and listening to it all? IF republicans are saying THEY NEVER have anything to do with 'pornography' i am calling them out on it. five words for ya


VP's wife says Webb 'full of baloney,' won't discuss her own salacious novel

Lynne Cheney appeared on CNN's The Situation Room with Wolf Blitzer. She dismissed Virginia Democrat Jim Webb as being "full of baloney" but was uncooperative when Blitzer questioned her on her own book.
Cheney, wife of the Vice President, was remarking on US Senate candidate Webb's response to charges last night that novels he has written are "pornographic," with excerpts released by GOP Sen. George Allen's camp and posted by the Drudge Report, as
RAW STORY reported earlier.
The Vice President's wife had published a book of her own in the 1970's that, according to a press release today from the Democrats, "featured a lesbian love affair, brothels and attempted rapes," but as Blitzer highlighted the contradiction, Cheney became evasive. Pressed further and visibly agitated, she finally remarked that "Jim Webb is full of baloney," whereupon Blitzer changed the topic. ...........

(oh and if blitzer was interviewing webb, would he change the subject if webb was being evasive? I THINK NOT)

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