because it made me feel more like a woman. WHATTTTTTTTTTTT THE F**KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK?????????????? someone actually said that to me and it was NOT a transgendered mtf either. she was a born female. how can you expect to be taken seriously when you are worried about your cup size? perhaps you don't care about being paid an equal wage. getting an equal education. being treated as an equal instead of a second class citizen (i remember LONG ago, someone, (i'll call him 'rolf') asked how to spell a particular word. i chimed in first and spelled it for him. 'rolf' then asked a MALE in the crowd if i was correct (yes i was or else i wouldn't have chimed in with the answer). it wasn't anything other than my gender he was questioning. belive me. i can't tell you how many times i have yelled at individuals and said, 'hey you, i'm talking with my MOUTH, NOT those things. LOOK UP AT MY FACE'. and i'm not even hot (well by some standards i'm not. by my own, i'm JUST fine) so i can only imagine.
listen if you have a vagina, you ARE a woman no matter WHAT size your breasteseseseesseeessssesesees are.
December 5, 2005
Do Our Daughters Really Need Breast Implants? We Can't All Be Pamela Anderson.
by Dawn Worthy
Cultures tend to encourage conformity. They fail to see the growth of society and population health is attained through diversity of mind and body. Family trees with limited branches don’t thrive. (See the Hapsburgs) Our daughters must learn to sculpt their minds and appreciate their bodies.When did it happen? When did common sense die? In all fairness, I have been on the business end of the statement, “You have book smarts but no common sense,” more times than I want to remember. So when I can see that common sense is dead, it died a horrible, gruesome and spectacular death. Today, I offer you an autopsy.We spend an inordinate amount of time, money and pain on the “makeover.” Why? We are told that we do it to improve ourselves. Is that really true? Aren’t many of the things that are supposed to “improve” lives things that just distract us from the real issue? Recently, I have become aware of parents financing breast augmentations for their teenage daughters. Come on now. What teenage brain is developed enough to correctly identify when the source of their problem is cup size? Parents that support this idea often consider themselves as indulgent parents. They consider themselves as their child’s friend. This is actually two issues: at what point did we stop telling our children that it is who they are that is important and who in their right mind thinks it is more important to be a friend to your child than a parent?..................
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