VERY amusing transcript from the lovely keith olbermann and mo rocca. tons of typos but they are from msnbc, NOT moi
Mo Rocca takes on the anti-Christmas crowd Comedian gives straight answers about the season to MSNBC's Olbermann
Updated: 10:15 a.m. ET Dec. 7, 2005
Whether it is a made-up controversy or not, you can't turn the channel without seeing a story on whether there is an attack on Christmas.
Is there, as widely made up on what is more or less another cable news network, a real attack on Christmas?
For answers, MSNBC's Keith Olbermann welcomed television personality and Christmas anti-attack analyst Mo Rocca to Tuesday's 'Countdown.'
To read an excerpt from their conversation, continue to the text below. To watch the video, click on the "Launch" button to the right.
KEITH OLBERMANN: I'm having it hard finding evidence of this attack on Christmas given I live near five minutes from the Rockefeller Center Christmas trees and all the stores are selling Christmas cards and the first recorded claim of an attack on Christmas was made by Henry Ford in about 1920 and I think the last 85 Christmases happened as scheduled. Am I missing something?
MO ROCCA: Well, Keith ... what you have is a lot of people in the media that are constantly emphasizing the non Christian origins of the things that we associated with Christmas. They will tell you that the Christmas tree was originally a pagan symbol of worship. They'll tell you the cross was originally a T square used by architects and carpenters. Which it was. Just ask Mike Brady, Ty Pennington or Jesus.
But the real story here for any who are willing to look for is worse than secularization, it is something I've written about extensively. I call it the drag queening of Christmas. The victims here are the trees. Innocent conifers that are uprooted and brought into people's homes and then they're decorated with baubles - really, jewels I call them and wrapped in garlands, which are basically boas and some people on the bottom put a little skirt. This is just ungodly. It's far from anything you'd ever find in the New Testament. It's virtually pagan.
OLBERMANN: And the trees wind up looking like Dame Edna.
ROCCA: Yes, exactly. To Wong Foo, thanks for nothing. We want our Christmas back.............
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