yes, this is an ELECTED official. he is currently on the house energy and commerce committee. HE IS MAKING DECISIONS THAT EFFECT YOU, YOUR FAMILY, THE CHILDREN OF THE WORLD.
Okay, supposing we're in a mood to humor his argument, just because the OT G-d says "he" won't destroy the Earth, it doesn't necessarily follow that he won't allow "Man" to wipe himself out, especially with tools like this one sitting on Congressional committees.
And as soon as I've come up with the grand money quote on literal readings of the Bible, I shall post it. Pardon me while I step into the Wayback Machine...
...to 1638 and then Rev John Wilkins (later Bishop of Chester):
"So that the phrases which the Holy Ghost uses concerning these things are not to be understood in a literall sense; but rather as vulgar expressions, and this rule is set downe by Saint Austin, where speaking concerning that in the Psalme, who stretched the earth upon the waters, hee notes, that when the words of Scripture shall seeme to contradict common sense or experience, there are they to be understood in a qualified sense, and not according to the letter. And ’tis observed that for want of this rule, some of the ancients have fastened strange absurdities upon the words of the Scripture."
and modern-day Republican Congressmen as well, it seems.
i knew you'd find the quote post haste. man, when this dude was talking to the committee (or whatever it was), WHY DIDN'T SOMEONE SPEAK UP AND SAY, STFU? why? it's fine if he wants to spew that fantasy crap in his house of worship. it's NOT fine when he spews it in our houses of government
Yeah, whenever anyone uses their opening remarks to laud free speech, it's generally the preamble to asswipery.
but, vis a vis my above geek-out, let us underscore that (according to Wilkins) literal readings of the Bible are contrary to St Augustine. And do you reeeallly want to pick a fight with Augustine over Biblical interpretation? Cuz, dude...
I was stunned that people still think like this in the 21st century. The fact that he is on the House Energy and Commerce Committee is disturbing.
stray, you and i both know 'they' NEVER use ALL the literal translations.......they only pick and choose what they remember OR what serves them OR what makes them less fearful
ahab, yeah, people think like this. yeah, some people running our country think like this. not THEIR fault though. they had to be VOTED IN
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