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Thursday, April 15, 2010

i don't have to ask anybody anything

he's NOT a socialist
he's NOT a communist
he's NOT a liberal
he's NOT a nazi
he's NOT a muslim
he's NOT a foreigner
he's NOT a trampler of the constitution (well not as bad as king george was)

what he IS, is a black man. that's it in a nutshell.

Ask the card-carrying socialists: Is Obama one of them?
By John Blake, CNN

Billy Wharton should be happy.

"Socialized health care" is on its way. The "socialist agenda" is taking over America. And best of all, Barack Obama, a "committed socialist ideologue," is in the Oval Office.

But Wharton, co-chair of the Socialist Party USA, sees no reason to celebrate. He's seen people with bumper stickers and placards that call Obama a socialist, and he has a message for them: Obama isn't a socialist. He's not even a liberal.

"We didn't see a great victory with the election of Barack Obama," Wharton says, " and we certainly didn't see our agenda move from the streets to the White House.".......

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