yo yo yo search it!

Saturday, October 24, 2009

sincere mistake?

getting a ticket FOR NOT SPEAKING ENGLISH?

yes, it happened


stray said...

Och, a muckle gowk!

Unknown said...

you said it (sort of)

stray said...

Hey, it's English, and therefore will hold up in a court of law. Apparently.

And furthermore, let me say this: Whan that the marshalcye cometh ouer wyth alle thyss mother-swyverie, it maketh me to emitte greene sparkes from the orbes of myn eyen. srsly. Myn owne natiue tonge, loue yt or leaue yt, but doe nat abuse yt by the fynyng or lashynge of them who doe nat speake it, euen if thei liuen heere, bicause verely yt is lykelier than nat that thou doest nat speake it neyther, thou Tejas pigge-hownd. kthxbai.

Unknown said...

you are far too smart (and smart alecky too)

stray said...

No but this is the point I make with rabid English-only people (most of whom can barely manage the language themselves, though they've been speaking it all their lives). What English? English is three different languages jammed together. If we were really speaking English only, all our utterances would begin with "Hwaet!".

Unknown said...

i barely speak new english let alone olde or anything in between or before or after.

we're human. we need to treat each other like humans and forget the are you speaking the same language as i am or the are you believing in the same god as i am bullshite