from birka jazz
here are just a few
Thelonious Monk: Monk Label: Columbia CS 9091 12" LP 1964
Design: Bob Cato Photo: W. Eugene Smith
Dave Brubeck: Time Out Label: Columbia 1397 12" LP 1959
Design and illustration: Neil Fujita
Miles Davis: Round About Midnight Label: Columbia 949 12" LP 1956
Foto: Marvin Koner
via bifurcated rivets
One does miss the 12 x 12 canvas...
oh i sure do. i miss the smell of opening a new album, i miss the liner notes (cds are NOT the same)
and actually shopping for them...in a store...for HOURS!
ooh yes! there is a record store in northampton i could spend hours in. they have cds but it's still cool. they have some vinyl as well. new stuff, used stuff. whatever stuff. it's some very narrow stairs. i love almost every store i've been to in northampton. restaurants as well. i even went in a comic book store (although i really didn't see many comic books as i would define them). i LOVED it. they has so much cool stuff.
Is this that one that's in a basement?
sure looks like a basement to me. my answer would have to be a most hearty yes
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