and it would be nice if mr toes was sitting in my lap right now
Photo Earl Neikirk/Bristol Herald Courier
Mr. Toes, this seven-toed cat lives at Charlie’s Service Center in Blountville, TN. He as seven toes on each front foot and five on each back foot.
Yes, this is the Research &
Development stage of their Opposable Thumb Technology. Once it is perfected, they will no longer have to rely on human slaves, uh I mean "owners".
i wish you (and everyone else in the entire universe) could have met jean paul. we named him after jp the first who died after 31 or 33 days (being the pope that is). we thought he was going to die. he was so small and sickly looking. we did take him to the vet 3 days after we got him (and the other four. by the way i'm a DOG LOVER) and we found out he wasn't small at all. he was 3 weeks old. anyway, jean paul was THE most dog-like cat i ever met. he would seek kids of the neighborhood OUT and demand to be played with (en masse). he LOVED going for rides in the car. if anyone opened a car door, he'd just jump his ass in. he was a grey tiger (i don't know what you call them. i know there is a specific name). he was butch and fought a lot. every time he fought the vet would have to shave him and put in a drain. his SKIN was striped. when you went for a walk, so did he (although he would be wicked pissed if there wasn't something 'GOOD' somewhere in the walk. he didn't like ordinary.
jean paul would take to not coming home. first it was a day at a time, then a couple, then a few. however, every time he came home he was cleaner and fatter than when he left. obviously he was a bigamist.
one day he just never came home. i tend to think he is sleeping in a cushy throne somewhere.
i loved that cat. i miss that cat
Why is it that the ones with the most interesting personalities are also the ones with the most abscesses per annum? And somehow no amount of lecturing on the inner workings of capitalism and veterinary medicine will change their rakish and profligate ways.
But yes, males in particular will sometimes set up multiple bases, which is either a Directive from the Mother Ship thing or a Big Love thing. We had a charming orange guy who used to move into our house for two weeks every summer, presumably while his regular staff (whoever they were) was on vacation. Anyway, it's entirely possible your jp did end up enthroned somewhere.
jp didn't mind going to the vets either. and of course they loved him. the staff also told us jp loved peanut butter. who knew?
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