and i don't EVER want it to go back to being like this. i want every woman to have a choice. it's THEIR choice. not a domestic terrorist's who takes a gun and kills a doctor just because the terrorist didn't like what the doctor was LEGALLY DOING. so very much to say. how the domestic terrorists don't give a flying fuck once a child is actually born. really, come on now. we all know they don't give a shite.
i want every woman every where to be safe. to be educated in an all around and complete sex education program. to have birth control available to her. to have health care for her, for her when she is pregnant and for her AND her children. i want anyone who rapes a woman (a crime of POWER NOT of sex. yet people also say sex crime. it's NOT. it's violence for power) to be punished. i also want ALL domestic terrorists to be locked away forever. they're sick and the god they claim to believe in is in fact not a god at all
The Deadly Toll of Abortion by Amateurs
BEREGA, Tanzania — A handwritten ledger at the hospital tells a grim story. For the month of January, 17 of the 31 minor surgical procedures here were done to repair the results of “incomplete abortions.” A few may have been miscarriages, but most were botched operations by untrained, clumsy hands. Abortion is illegal in Tanzania (except to save the mother’s life or health), so women and girls turn to amateurs, who may dose them with herbs or other concoctions, pummel their bellies or insert objects vaginally. Infections, bleeding and punctures of the uterus or bowel can result, and can be fatal. Doctors treating women after these bungled attempts sometimes have no choice but to remove the uterus...........
(and here's a whole slide show)
PIC: Béatrice de Géa for The New York Times
COMPLICATIONS A woman in Berega, Tanzania, who sought care after a botched abortion. In Tanzania, where abortion is illegal, the maternal death rate is high in part because of failed abortions.
1 comment:
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