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Sunday, February 08, 2009

who the HELL watches this shite?

who the hell is BUYING this shite? really now. who?

Al Gore is creating another Hitler Youth, Glenn Beck feverishly warns

Sometimes I think Glenn Beck is saying the crazy things he does just to get attention from liberals for being so crazy. It's the Ann Coulter model of right-wing punditry: the more outrageous the better for your ratings.

But Beck isn't as smart as Coulter. He's also more of a Bircherite populist, and he's convinced himself that the more mawkish the better he'll appeal to that sensibility. Unfortunately for Beck, he is also handicapped by not having a very firm grip on reality in the first place (not that this ever stopped other right-wing millionaire pundits). It shows up in his great fondness for right-wing populist conspiracy theories.

So after resorting to the good old Bircher standby -- "Commie! Obama's a Commie!" -- the night before, on his show last night he veered completely to the other side of the road and accused liberals of incipient Nazism:

Last night, I told you that we were on the road to socialism. Some comedy, you know, coming your way. Well, tonight -- oh dear, this may not go well -- when I finish this story, some may believe we're on the way to the Hitler Youth...........


Commander Zaius said...

Saw it and you are right, he ain't stable. And I do believe he actually dwells in that distorted reality of his. That it ain't an "act".

Unknown said...

nazi youth? i am beyond disbelief on this one.