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Friday, February 13, 2009


a rose a streamin' pile o' shite by any other name IS STILL A FUCKING STEAMIN' PILE O' SHITE

Blackwater Picks A New Name: It's Xe
NPR.org, February 13, 2009 · Blackwater Worldwide is abandoning its tarnished brand name.

Blackwater officials said Friday its family of two dozen businesses will now operate under the name Xe, pronounced like the letter "z."

The decision comes as part of an ongoing rebranding effort that grew more urgent following a September 2007 shooting in Iraq that left at least a dozen civilians dead.

Blackwater President Gary Jackson said in a memo to employees of the North Carolina-based company that the new name reflects the change in company focus away from the business of providing private security.........

Blackwater to change name to 'Xe'
Associated Press
......................The parent company's new name is pronounced like the letter "z." Blackwater Lodge & Training Center — the subsidiary that conducts much of the company's overseas operations and domestic training — has been renamed U.S. Training Center Inc., the company said Friday.

The decision comes as part of an ongoing rebranding effort that grew more urgent following a September 2007 shooting in Iraq that left at least a dozen civilians dead. Blackwater president Gary Jackson said in a memo to employees the new name reflects the change in company focus away from the business of providing private security.

"The volume of changes over the past half-year have taken the company to an exciting place and we are now ready for two of the final, and most obvious changes," Jackson said in the note...............

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