(wtf is she attempting to say here? wow she really IS dull, inane, vapid and as smart as a bag o' dicks, ain't she?)
Palin Fields Questions on Plane
ABC News' Imtiyaz Delawala Reports: For the first time in a month on the campaign trail, Republican vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin took questions from her full traveling press corps, covering topics ranging from her continued connection of Sen. Barack Obama with William Ayers to whether she plans to appear on “Saturday Night Live.”........
“It is pertinent, it's important because when you consider Barack Obama's reaction to and explanation to his association there, and without him being clear at all on what he knew and when he knew it, that I think kinda peaks into his ability to tell us the truth on, not only on association but perhaps other things also,” Palin said.
“I think it just makes us ask the question that, if there's not forthrightness there, with that association and what was known and when it was known, does that lead us to ask, is there forthrightness with the plans Barack Obama has on say tax cuts, or spending increases?” Palin added. “It makes you wonder about the forthrightness, the truthfulness of the plans that he is telling America in regards to the economic recovery because that is first and foremost on American's minds.”..........
(and the BEST comment of the whole bunch was this one:
The only reason I can think of to vote for McPain is to keep Tina Fey doing the Sarah Failin skits. Truth be told, though, Failin could send Fey back to 30 Rock by just doing more impromptu interviews. Footage of the real thing is even funnier than the spoofs.

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