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Sunday, February 03, 2008

you know that song

isn't it ironic by alanis morissette (that was an irony ONLY because none of the shite in the song was ironic)???

well THIS is ironic
Blackwater and Blood: Spilling it in Iraq, Donating it at Home
Posted by Jeremy Scahill, AlterNet
.................This week, the company received an award from the American Red Cross -- not for its skill at making Iraqis bleed, but for Blackwater's recent blood drive, where company employees reportedly gave 264 units of blood. "That means that well over 600 lives have been saved in this region," said Georgia Donaldson of the Mid Atlantic region Red Cross.
The group presented Blackwater's owner, Erik Prince with a plaque, honoring the company. "I'm proud of the folks we have here. We have a great team, they constantly go above and beyond the call of duty, they give back and they're giving to their local community here," said Prince. But here's the money quote: Blackwater "saw a need for the community to receive more blood, so we made it available and our folks answered the call." Sort of like what they do in Iraq for Bush. Oh, and this blood must be mighty special. As Prince told Congress last year, his men "bleed red, white and blue." ...................


Commander Zaius said...

I've said it many times but the entire Blackwater company scares the hell out of me down to my bones.

Unknown said...

i don't scare easily (except for bugs) and they scare me as well. i am actually surprised they bleed real blood