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Thursday, October 18, 2007

mona 'the hammer' shaw is my new hero!

note: i do NOT advocate violence, even against keyboards, monitors and phones (although i will admit i occasionally DREAM about violence against computer, monitors and phones)

oh, did i mention mona is 75 years old???

By Neely TuckerWashington Post Staff Writer

............Fear not, fellow Americans! In these dark days of war, pestilence and Paris Hilton, a new hero has arisen. She is none other than 75-year-old Mona "The Hammer" Shaw, who took the aforementioned implement to her local Comcast office in Manassas to settle a score, and boy, did she!
This was after the company had scheduled installation of its much ballyhooed "Triple Play" service, which combines phone, cable and Internet services, in Shaw's brick home in nearby Bristow. But Shaw said they failed to show up on the appointed day, Monday, Aug. 13. They came two days later but left with the job half done. On Friday morning, they cut off all service. ........

......................So on that Friday, Mona Shaw and her husband, Don, went to the local call center office to complain.
Let's pick it up, mid-action, according to Shaw:
Mona demands to speak to a manager. A customer service representative says someone will be right with them. Directs them to a bench, outside. (Remember, it's mid-August.) Mona and Don sit.
Tick, tick, tick, goes the clock. Sit, sit, sit, go Mona and Don.
For. Two. Hours.
And then -- this is the best part -- the customer rep leans out the door and says the manager has left for the day. Thanks for coming! ..............

picture: Mona Shaw found just the tool to register her complaint about service, or lack thereof, at Comcast's Manassas office. (By Richard A. Lipski -- The Washington Post)


Frank Partisan said...

Having to pay bail is such a hassle. Who needs martyrs?

I think an information picket, and a press release could do wonders.

Unknown said...

i disagree. i cannot exactly CONDONE what mona did, but it sure as shite made me smile

Anon-Paranoid said...

I like her style. Maybe they will wake up and live up too their obligations and give better customer service in the future.

On another note.

Sorry for being off topic on this.

Here's the reason the Democrats won't impeach Der Fuhrer Bush or the Dark Lord Dick {Heinrich Himmler} Cheney.

Watch this short YouTube of Ralph Nader explaining why.

No Impeachment.

We really don't have an opposition party.

God Bless.

Unknown said...

i watched it. i always liked ralph nader (he's a homeboy you know) BUT when he ran a few years ago i just couldn't forgive him.

i cannot imagine the scenario he describes in the video. i don't WANT to imagine it..........