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Tuesday, February 27, 2007

my sisters and i are being punished

because we don't have the appropriate genitalia. because we speak up for our rights (plan b), because we are WOMEN and NO LESS important than men

and because 'THEY' don't like that

Women's Health Office Funds Cut

By Rick Weiss Washington Post Staff Writer Tuesday, February 27, 2007; Page A13
When is $4 million really $2.8 million?
One answer is "When you're a woman," as the Labor Department has repeatedly found that women earn about 75 cents for every dollar that men earn for the same work.
But this week's answer is "When you are the Office of Women's Health" within the Food and Drug Administration. That office, which was at the center of a politically damaging storm over the emergency contraceptive "Plan B," just had more than one-quarter of this year's $4 million operating budget quietly removed, insiders say...

............Women's health advocates inside and outside the agency suspect they are witnessing, at least in part, a long-anticipated payback for the trouble the office stirred during the prolonged debate over nonprescription sales of Plan B. .................

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