little TEENY TINY ones at that. can you imagine ANYTHING cuter? well putting aside my baby pictures that is
Microcebus mittermeieri is one of three newly announced mouse lemur species found on the African island of Madagascar.Photograph by Mark Thiessen/NGS
Three New Lemurs Discovered, Add to Madagascar's Diversity
Scott Norrisfor National Geographic News
June 26, 2006
Three new species of lemur in the African island nation of Madagascar have been discovered (Madagascar map and facts).
(Related: "Madagascar Movie Magic Might Be Real-Life Nightmare.")
All three are mouse lemurs and are as tiny as their name implies. The palm-size creatures are primates—the group that includes apes and humans.
Researchers first located the three new mouse lemurs in Madagascar's eastern rain forests in 2001. .........
a little animated slide show with audio (warning: not all of the pictures are nice)
Anyone who can look at that little face and not smile must be heart-dead.
Lemurs = cuteness.
Thanks for the smile!
Now the Aye-Aye is a CUTE prosimian!
Didn't they just name one of these new species after John Cleese? They named some new-found minor apes after John Cleese.
damn, blogger comments messed up again. let's see if it works this time....
p o p, you KNOW you're right. damn that little teeny lemur is SO DAMN CUTE
roxy, same goes for you, damn that little teeny lemur is SO DAMN CUTE (but i like the bigger ones too. incredible eyes)
lwotb, i can't argue with that either. give me an aye aye anyday!
vanx-yup they did and here it is
Christ! It's a baby Nosferatu!!
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