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Tuesday, February 21, 2006

thank you senator DODD

(and representative SHAYS) for being two of the seven senators/congresspeople to sign a letter to secretary john w snow, department of the treasury


(click on the title for a link to the letter. for some reason, i cannot cut and paste it here)


hilda said...

just passing

Lily said...

Forgive me if you've seen my pitch for Corporation Appreciation Week. I'm just trying to drum up enthusiasm for a polluter/safety violator/tax evader/corruption festival of sorts!!!

My lovingly crafted sales pitch:
Please consider participating and blogwhoring for Corporation Appreciation Week next week, details

Please spread the word, the idea is to highlight some of the more horrific polluters, etc. and hopefully after some discussion, maybe talk about some ways to take small step actions. (optimistic? Perhaps) I am going to spend next week posting all around on this theme, and we'll see if we can get a few folks from our 'community' to pitch in. Let me know if I can count you in, as I want to put links up of blogs willing to participate at Lose The Noose and at Consider The Boot...thanks!

These damn companies SOOOOO piss me off.

michael the tubthumper said...

obviously i can't participate but i think that is a great idea

pissed off patricia said...

About time! Even if they go down at least they went down fighting.

Rory Shock said...

thanks Rose ... for keeping after them on this insanity ... aside from the security implications, this seems to be another step toward fucking over the American worker ... wonder if the labor practices of UAE are gonna be imported ... that's the country in which kids have been enslaved as camel jockeys for the entertainment of the rich and powerful ...

Neil Shakespeare said...

Well, they're not gonna ask Snow to give his kickback back, are they? Geez, he should be able to keep the money anyway...

Unknown said...

i'll do my part lily (i posted YOUR post on my blog - credited of course and i shall do my part on my own as well)

mr the tubthumper-sure you can particpate. these are INTERNATIONAL companies. they may be based in the us but they effect us all

ms patricia-i personally will not go gentle into that good night

mr shock, this one i can NEVER let go of. this is beyond freedom and dignity. beyond insane. while we're at it, i think women should be covered from head to toe

mr shakespeare-you're a brat

(well MOST of y'all are brats when i think of it)

michael the tubthumper said...

i get it now - i misread it at first on the womens site and thought it was just for females!!