in addition to what was in the FIRST five episodes, in the next five................you get to see the big fight between the boss and his brother-in-law. you get to meet the boss' mom who appears to have a house in the back of the main house (you know the house where EVERYONE appears to live. the family AND the relations and the NON relations too). her dog is ill and she has to collect a stool sample. you get to see the sister-in-law have MORE plastic surgery and yes, you do get to see her entirely naked. you get to see the wife hire a litte-person cross dressing stripper for the boss. you get to see more nail salon and hair salon gossip. you get to see the nephew date (actually he appears to be a nice guy if you take away the alcohol. i like how he is when he spends time with this three young daughters). you get to see the daughter have her baby (and that baby IS adorable). the ENTIRE clan is in the waiting room too. i don't just mean immediate family either. i mean EVERYONE. that's kinda nice when you think about it. then you get to see the wife and the non-relation go shopping for christmas decorations. the family front yard ends up looking like you KNOW it will look. the last scene is the family palatial estate for christmas dinner and present opening. don't tell anyone, but it reminded me of my family at christmas. i really do recommend this show. another slice of life. they're rough around the edges (hell who isn't) but all seem to love one another. you don't even need to watch the parts where they go out and look for bail jumpers. the BEST parts are the family parts.
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