i'm addicted. i discovered it yesterday and i watched five episodes. i'm going to attempt to watch the other five today. it's about an extended family of bail bondsmen (and women) and bounty hunters on longgggggggggg island. they are loud, they are pierced and tattooed and swear and drink like sailors. the women have big hair and big breastesesesesesesesese. they seem to spend an awful lot of time at the nail and beauty salon. they wear TIGHT belly shirts (and are proud of it). the men smoke and are strapped (i think). the heads of the family, tom and flo talk about having sex five times a day. the nephew chris is ummmmmmmm a firecracker who seems to be going off every second or two. one son just turned 18 and he got tattooed and a party (with liquor) and a job with his pops. they all (the sisters and cousins and in-laws all seem to live together or at least spend one hell of a LOT of time sleeping over at the evangelista palatial estates). it's so hard to describe. you just HAVE to see it to believe it. makes me proud (roflmao) to be eye-talian

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