great letter via buzzflash from consuelo luz (don't you just LOVE her name???)
Media of Oz
Hi Folks,
I'm a regular reader of BuzzFlash (and Tony Peyser just reviewed my CD "Missing Water" for BuzzFlash). The following is a letter I wrote to NBC Chairman Bob Wright in response to his comment to Tucker Carlson at a recent media conference that one of the reasons TV is right-leaning is that "liberals don't watch TV".
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Dear Mr. Wright,
Your comment to Tucker Carlson that liberals don't watch TV and that's why your shows are right-leaning is ludicrous. First of all, I would watch more TV if it contained intelligent, unbiased truth-telling programs and was not the right wing and corporate propaganda machine it has turned into. I tune in occasionally now just to be informed of the dangerously slanted view of the world you are spreading to the unsuspecting folk.
TV is doing a disservice and harm to the millions of uninformed viewers who are under the impression they are getting a fair and balanced view. That leaves them unable to make intelligent decisions which will affect their, their families' and their communities' lives. This generation of media moguls will go down in infamy in the history of this country. You have helped destroy this country and no ludicrous excuses like "liberals don't watch TV" is going to change that. Why don't you just tell the people the truth and just get it over with? Tell the people that their "beloved President Ronald Reagan," a true agent of the corporate world, started selling them out of the truth when he deregulated media and made it possible for the mergers and the selling of America's publicly owned airwaves that have created a centrally controlled corporate mainstream media which serves only the bottom line and the handful of financial masters who control it and the marriage of these with the political party who slavishly does their bidding so that they will do likewise.............
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