(how can you not like a guy who pointed out that mar had a run in her hose during her job interview???)
Ed Asner Speaks Out on the Far Right's Misuse of Power
When you ask about the right-wing attacks on performers, these are old scripts. These have been readied for decades, prepared by the right wing, knowing that in the main, artists will not be in support of their programs and their ideas. So they are ready to attack. They are ready to vilify and they will resort to anything.
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Ed Asner is perhaps best known for playing the character of Lou Grant on "The Mary Tyler Moore Show" and its spin-off, "Lou Grant." In addition to acting in countless television roles and films, Asner has been a producer, writer, and political activist.
Following a strike by actors and writers that delayed the 1980 – 1981 TV season, Ed Asner was elected president of the Screen Actor's Guild in 1981. In the 1980s, Asner became an outspoken critic of the Reagan administration's support of right-wing death squads in El Salvador, as well as many other causes. Asner admits that his political activism adversely affected his acting career.
"The First Amendment is most precious, and yet it's meaningless to people when they don't have the guts to practice it," said Asner, who has never stopped speaking his mind.
That's why BuzzFlash recommends Misuse of Power: How the Far Right Gained and Misuses Power by Ed Asner and Burt Hall, a former Group Director on matters of national security with the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO). Misuse of Power offers a compelling and highly resourceful survey of American politics from 1992 to the present day and documents how the right wing has seized control of America.
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BuzzFlash: What are the most egregious examples of the Bush administration’s misuse of power in the last five years?
Ed Asner: I first want to say that I’m appalled with the limited press scrutiny that has occurred during the Bush administration's tenure, including the rigged election in 2000. This is an administration of promises made, promises broken. But it is the apathy of the public that I find so difficult to comprehend. One of the reasons I wrote the book with Burt Hall was to state the Bush administration's malfeasance in very simple terms and see if it serves as a wake up call for anybody -- because, clearly, the mainstream press won't do it...........
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