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Wednesday, January 12, 2011

if you don't know what blood libel means, well.............

i was going to link to MORE stories but i think this is enough for now at least. instead of doing the RIGHT thing (i don't believe the creature KNOWS what is right), she makes HERSELF the victim of the tragedy in arizona. yes, she really does

Blood libel: A historical view


"It was based on an ignorance and fear of Jewish rituals on the part of Christians and also the Christian fixation on blood," he says. Most often, it would be the blood of a child; thus, the idea often surfaced after the murder or abduction of a child.
The myth came up in different places, including Christian theological writings, folk tales and legends. From time to time, accusations would be made against Jews after specific incidents, and trials would be held. Sometimes they ended with executions. Sometimes the accused Jew would be tortured into confessing.................


Palin's use of 'blood libel' and Reagan comment in statement on Tucson shooting

..........The term "blood libel" has a very distinct history. It refers to the false accusation, dating back centuries, that Jews would sacrifice Christian children for various nefarious or even religious purposes -- such as using their blood as an ingredient in the unleavened bread in Passover ceremonies. It was a core tenet of anti-Semitism, widely believed in medieval times and beyond, and often resulted in persecution, murders and other actions against Jews.............

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