but i don't necessarily disagree either. i have long hair. i have almost always had long hair. i wash it in the evening and when i wake up, it's still wet. i always wear it in a bun (ok, EVERY once in a blue moon i wear a braid). as a rule i just use shampoo and some kind of conditioner. i do NOT own a blow dryer, hair spray, gel, relaxer, curler or anything in between. i have gone for MONTHS on the 'no poo' routine (that is where you do NOT use any shampoo. you use a bit of baking soda in water as your cleanser and a bit of vinegar in water as your conditioner). it works. i know you're dubious, but it DOES work. this picture of me was taken a few years back. my hair has remained this length give or take for a good while now. recently there was a video everyone was watching. it was from sesame street and it involved a video of a lil' grrrl singing, 'i love my hair'. it was written by a man for his adopted daughter. dad (and mom too) is white and the daughter is from ethiopia. one day she saw a barbie and i guess she lamented the lack of HER having long blonde hair. i loved the video, don't get me wrong. HOWEVER, i think dad didn't quite understand. women and hair isn't quite a black (or white) thing. it's a UNIVERSAL thing. women with black hair dream about blonde hair. women with blond hair dream of going red. women with a natural dream of locks. women with locks dream of chopping them off. women with curly hair want straight. women with straight hair want curly. women with long want short, women with short want long. it's the way it is. yes, it's universal. be happy and comfortable with who YOU are. if you're not, no one else can be either (that's sage advice and i give it freely. TAKE IT)
Why Can’t Middle-Aged Women Have Long Hair?
MY mother hates it. My sister worries about it. My agent thinks I’m hiding behind it. A concerned friend suggests that it undermines my professional credibility. But in the middle of my life, I’m happy with it. Which is saying a lot about anything happening to my 55-year-old body. I feel great about my hair.
I have long hair. I’m not talking about long enough to brush gently on my shoulder — when I tilt my head. I’m not talking about being a couple of weeks late to the hairdresser. I’m talking long. Long enough for a ponytail with swing to it. Long enough to sit against when I’m in a chair. Long enough to have to lift it up out of the sweater I’m pulling over my head. Long enough to braid.............
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