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Saturday, February 20, 2010

massachusetts, you elected him

did you realize EXACTLY who you were voting for?

Scott Brown sympathizes with Austin bomber: ‘No one likes paying taxes, obviously’

By Sahil Kapur

When does it become somewhat understandable to want to fly planes into buildings?

Appearing on Fox News, newly-minted Sen. Scott Brown (R-MA) showed notable sympathy and scant outrage for Joseph Stack, who crashed his airplane into an IRS building Thursday in an apparent suicide bombing Thursday.

"You don't know anything about the individual," Brown said. "He could have had other issues. Certainly, no one likes paying taxes, obviously."

Stack's writings strongly suggest he was motivated by anti-government outrage as he had written fuming anti-tax, anti-IRS, and anti-health care reform screeds in internet message postings.............

Did Sen. Scott Brown rationalize Joseph Stack's plane crash?

What senator would publicly associate his political ideals with the frustrations espoused by a man who crashed a plane into a government building -- just hours after Joseph Stack's destructive suicide?

Massachusetts Republican Senator Scott Brown.

And when would said senator have made such an association?

In what Fox News said is his first nationally televised interview since he took office. What's worse -- by tying in the voter frustration that got him elected and not saying Stack was wrong, Brown appears to rationalize how he may have been right.


stray said...

Yes, apparently it is now extremist rhetoric to suggest that there are extremists...

...at least if the person in question is white, male, American, and disgruntled.

What a duo of asswipes.

stray said...

That said, and finally having read the guy's suicide note in its entirety, I think that last bit will confuse the bejebus out of tea-partiers everywhere...or at least cause them to totally overlook it as they stampede to claim this dude as one of their own.

Unknown said...

as i said, would they claim him as their own if EVERYTHING was the same EXCEPT for his name? (as in abdul ahmet or the like)


terrorism is terrorism. if you fly a plane into the wtc OR an irs office in austin. IT'S TERRORISM (and insanity). anyone who claims otherwise even for a nanosecond should have their patriotism questioned (at the very least)

stray said...

Interestingly, where this leads is back to Ward Churchill's "little Eichmanns" comment about 9/11, which was misguided and insensitive, but, considered strictly in terms of the premise of its reference point, not necessarily untrue. But, on the other hand, was misreported in the media and thus almost universally misunderstood.

One should have one's patriotism questioned regularly, and be found wanting periodically. It shows one is not asleep in front of the television.

Unknown said...

i never read churchill's essay. of course i remember the quote though.

i don't think it's unjust to fight back when one is being attacked. i DO think it's unjust, immoral and just effing wrong to attack people who are just like you are. as in people who are just going about living. working. playing. living with their families and friends. people who had NOTHING to do with attacking you

stray said...

Yeah, but the thing Churchill was referencing was Hannah Arendt's "Eichmann in Jerusaleum", which is all about ordinary people going about their jobs, living, working, playing, etc.

I am not saying that the Stack case is remotely comparable, mind. But now we're getting the post-game analysis, it's a very interesting exercise in muddying the ideological waters, and, y'know, these days every day is the 18th Brumaire.

Unknown said...

oui but i'm still steamed

his daughter says he was a hero (stack's that is not nap's). oh she is ever so sorry people got killed but her dad was JUST MAKING A POINT don't cha know

now i'm reading she's trying to take it back. WELL I WON'T FUCKING TAKE IT BACK. she said it and she fucking meant it. i want her to live every day of her life with it. i want her to somehow feel the pain of every single person who has been harmed by a terrorist. ALL terrorists. after all if her father committed this heinous act HE WAS A FUCKING TERRORIST NOT A HERO. the man that died was a vietnam vet by the way. does anyone know his name? i do. his name was VERNON HUNTER.

samantha bell is a fucking coward just like her fucking father (if it is proven he committed the act)