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Monday, September 21, 2009

holy shite, this orly creature sure is something

isn't it?

even it's client is saying ENOUGH to orly

judge land is being far too kind. he shouldn't wait ANY longer to fine her. just do it

Birther lawyer in hot water after accusing judge of treason

Orly Taitz, the lawyer heading up the "birther" movement trying to prove President Barack Obama wasn't born in the United States, has suffered severe setbacks in recent days to her strategy of litigating Obama's provenance in federal courtrooms.

A federal court judge in Georgia has given Taitz two weeks to present an argument why he shouldn't fine her $10,000 for pursuing what he called a "frivolous" lawsuit on behalf of an army captain who questioned Obama's place of birth.

And to add to the complications, the army captain has now distanced herself from her lawyer, asking the judge to withdraw a motion of appeal Taitz had filed on her behalf and declaring she plans to file a complaint against Taitz with the California State Bar.

RAW STORY reported last week that US District Court Judge Clay Land threw out Taitz's lawsuit on behalf of US Army Capt. Connie Rhodes, who had challenged her deployment orders to Iraq, on the argument that President Obama wasn't born in the United States, and is therefore not the legitimate commander-in-chief of the armed forces..........

-- Daniel Tencer

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