yo yo yo search it!

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

yes, it's real

i thought it was a joke, but, sadly, no it's not. here's a VIDEO of it
when i read it in buzzflash i REALLY thought they were fooling around.
nope, they weren't
someone please tell these people to put their crack pipes down AND BACK AWAY SLOWLY.

tell me, if someone who is going to vote for mccain/evilone and they happen across this posting, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE tell me HOW AND WHY you're voting for them? PLEASE pretty please. i NEED to know. i MUST know. did YOU do too much acid in the 60s?

McCain (R-Idiot) Campaign Manager: 'This Election is Not About Issues'

from buzzflash
Rick Davis, campaign manager for John McCain's presidential bid, insisted that the presidential race will be decided more over personalities than issues during an interview with Post editors this morning. "This election is not about issues," said Davis. "This election is about a composite view of what people take away from these candidates."........... In reaction to Rick Davis' comments about the election not being about issues, Barack Obama campaign manager David Plouffe released the following statement: "We appreciate Senator McCain's campaign manager finally admitting that his campaign is not in fact about the issues the American people care about, which is exactly the kind of cynical old politics people are ready to change.".......

McCain Manager: 'This Election is Not About Issues'

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