yo yo yo search it!

Saturday, September 06, 2008

now i'm just sitting back and smiling

this IS rather funny. did they in fact want the walter reed as in walter reed medical center? did they choose walter reed MIDDLE SCHOOL by mistake?

either way, the school DID NOT want to be used as a backdrop at the rnc

School Raps McCain For Using Image As Speech Backdrop Without Permission

By Kate Klonick

Okay, the McCain-Walter Reed Middle School backdrop debacle is getting weirder by the second. Now the principal of the school is hammering McCain for using footage of the school during his convention speech without seeking the school's permission.

Here's the statement from Donna Tobin, the principal...

"It has been brought to the school's attention that a picture of the front of our school, Walter Reed Middle School, was used as a backdrop at the Republican National Convention. Permission to use the front of our school for the Republican National Convention was not given by our school nor is the use of our school's picture an endorsement of any political party or view."

One other interesting development: The California Democratic Party is actually holding a press conference in front of the school within minutes, where Dems will hit McCain for not knowing the difference between the school and Walter Reed Medical Center, which is believed to be the backdrop the McCain campaign really wanted.

Though multiple news organizations are asking for clarification, the McCain campaign is still refusing to comment on questions about whether it had hoped to use the medical center as a backdrop and accidentally used the school instead. Hard to blame them.............

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