you can't live with 'em, you can't (obviously) live without 'em (if you can't tell that's sarcasm, just click that little "X" in the upper right hand corner of your screen right now
women can and should do what men can (and should) do - in the armed services that is. here is a stunning example of the bravery of an 18 YEAR OLD WOMAN
they ended up pulling pfc brown out of afghanistan JUST BECAUSE SHE DOESN'T HAVE A PENIS. well i'm glad she's out, but i think if women want to join combat regiments they sure as hell should be allowed to do so.
Woman Gains Silver Star -- And Removal From Combat
Case Shows Contradictions of Army Rules
By Ann Scott Tyson Washington Post Staff Writer
KHOST, Afghanistan -- Pfc. Monica Brown cracked open the door of her Humvee outside a remote village in eastern Afghanistan to the pop of bullets shot by Taliban fighters. But instead of taking cover, the 18-year-old medic grabbed her bag and ran through gunfire toward fellow soldiers in a crippled and burning vehicle. .........
,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, She is the second woman since World War II to receive the nation's third-highest combat medal.
Within a few days of her heroic acts, however, the Army pulled Brown out of the remote camp in Paktika province where she was serving with a cavalry unit -- because, her platoon commander said, Army restrictions on women in combat barred her from such missions.
"We weren't supposed to take her out" on missions "but we had to because there was no other medic," said Lt. Martin Robbins, a platoon leader with Charlie Troop, 4th Squadron, 73rd Cavalry Regiment, whose men Brown saved. "By regulations you're not supposed to," he said, but Brown "was one of the guys, mixing it up, clearing rooms, doing everything that anybody else was doing." ...............
Army Spec. Monica Brown's case shows that the need for women in combat roles is at odds with Army rules intended to bar them. Photo Credit: Photo: Ann Scott Tyson/Post Photo
Here's where you and I might diverge in opinion. I think men and women should be either treated completely the same in the military or totally different . . . one or the other, no middle ground. Right now it's not that way . . . let me explain:
All boys must register for selective service in this country - if there's a draft boys will be drafted. Once in this all-volunteer military the recruit gets a bit of choice in where he or she is assigned, but if the recruit is male, he can be put in a combat unit against his desires - the needs of the army come first. Not so if the recruit is female. Girls can volunteer for some jobs and assignments if they want them, but they cannot be forced into those roles because of their gender.
What I'd like to see is a firm decision - - equal treatment or not. If there's going to be equal treatment, then men and women get drafted, get sent to combat, get some choice, but not the final choice - girls just like boys.
Don't let them in combat roles at all.
It's not about whether girls can do the job - they can, absolutely, completely, totally . . . in many cases better than boys. It's about how I feel as a boy in a combat role when I don't want to be there, when I've been selected or forced to be there and the few girls who are in the same assignment were only volunteers, because they get different treatment.
I'm for equality whenever possible. But right now the system is screwed up.
we actually really don't disagree. equality - period
however, i don't think ANY basic training should be changed nor do i think any tests should be altered. both genders must pass the SAME hurdles. it does seem like the military is getting more lax in it's acceptance of new recruits though. i mean their criminal history, etc.
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