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Sunday, January 27, 2008

i was at my pop's house yesterday

my sister lives there with him. he's 80, soon to be 81 and i'm very comfortable with them living together. i visit almost every day although he is rarely home. he has a girlfriend! it's been over 2 years and they are constant companions. i couldn't be happier she is an absolute angel. taking care of him after both hip replacement surgeries (her house is on one level, his isn't. she has a walk in shower, he has a high sided bathtub). anyway, the other day my sister asked me who i was voting for. i told her what i told everyone. i WANT to vote for al gore, but he's not running. i'd like to vote for edwards but i don't think he will get the nomination. so i am going to vote for barack obama. she started screaming at me. how she and my father were voting for hillary and she couldn't understand how i was NOT going to vote for her. yesterday (alone at my popi's), i got a call from hillary's camp. it was a recorded message. usually i hang up but i didn't have a chance. they only asked one question. push 1 for hillary, 2 for obama. i pushed 2 and then the disembodied voice said thank you and hung up. i am going to watch my father's mail like a hawk. i shouldn't feel like this but i do have a deep feeling he will be getting some ugly mail about obama. if he does, i know who is responsible and i will be doubly pissed.

caroline kennedy speaks:
A President Like My Father
OVER the years, I’ve been deeply moved by the people who’ve told me they wished they could feel inspired and hopeful about America the way people did when my father was president. This sense is even more profound today. That is why I am supporting a presidential candidate in the Democratic primaries, Barack Obama. My reasons are patriotic, political and personal, and the three are intertwined. All my life, people have told me that my father changed their lives, that they got involved in public service or politics because he asked them to. And the generation he inspired has passed that spirit on to its children. I meet young people who were born long after John F. Kennedy was president, yet who ask me how to live out his ideals.
Sometimes it takes a while to recognize that someone has a special ability to get us to believe in ourselves, to tie that belief to our highest ideals and imagine that together we can do great things. In those rare moments, when such a person comes along, we need to put aside our plans and reach for what we know is possible. My reasons are patriotic, political and personal, and the three are intertwined. All my life, people have told me that my father changed their lives, that they got involved in public service or politics because he asked them to. And the generation he inspired has passed that spirit on to its children. I meet young people who were born long after John F. Kennedy was president, yet who ask me how to live out his ideals.
Sometimes it takes a while to recognize that someone has a special ability to get us to believe in ourselves, to tie that belief to our highest ideals and imagine that together we can do great things. In those rare moments, when such a person comes along, we need to put aside our plans and reach for what we know is possible. ...............


Anonymous said...

Billary is doing everything they can to tear the Democratic party apart from the inside. Obama is doing everything he can to bring this whole country together.

There's no doubt who's responsible for the onslaught of nastiness and lies against Barack. Isn't plausible deniability a wonderful thing?

Jean said...

i was very disappointed when Kucinich removed himself from the race. No, i didn't believe he would take the nomination, but he'd have had my vote anyway. i think he'd have been fantastic in the White House (or at least way better than any of the other candidates). i dislike Hillary.

Unknown said...

i expect some ugly materials on barack to arrive at pop's house this week. we'll see (and i literally pray i am WRONG about this).

jean i know i liked some of kucinich's ideas. i think he's brave and moral. UNLIKE hillary