yo yo yo search it!

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

i think someone over at msnbc must have read my blog.......

naw, i know it's just a coincidence.

yesterday, i posted my shock at seeing a commercial entitled viva viagra. well i'm not the only one who was taken aback


by Allison Linn

The setting is a folksy bar off a dusty highway. The scene: a group of guys who have gotten together for a jam session, to sing about ... the wonders of erectile dysfunction medication.
The new commercial for Pfizer Inc.’s Viagra is striking for a few reasons.
For one thing, there are no women in it -- this is a commercial all about guys bonding with other guys over the good times this medication has brought them, not sharing an intimate moment with their female partner. And secondly, some of the guys here strike the viewer as pretty young for erectile dysfunction. ........


Commander Zaius said...

Saw the commercial myself and thought it strange that such young guys would have that type of issue.

Unknown said...

and that they were all 'knowingly' looking at EACH OTHER