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Saturday, April 28, 2007

today is TAKE BACK THE BLOG day

what is this you may ask (in case you don't know)

it's to remind everyone - women have a right to do whatever they want (you know what i mean. not murder and the like) WITHOUT threats or scorn or stalking or harassment or intimidation or violence. yes, that even includes blogging or otherwise working on the internet.

we are EQUAL citizens of the world. we are your mothers, wives, partners, employers, employees, aunts, teachers, nurturers AND friends.

(don't piss us off please)


Mariamariacuchita said...

so true, Rose, so true.
Women have that legal right and we still muat work to make equality something that is real for all people, all women, all classes, all colors.

Unknown said...

yes, of course it does go beyond women maria.