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Wednesday, April 04, 2007

from feministing a posting by jessica

women who are anti-women scare me more than anything. especially ones who SHOULD KNOW BETTER

WaPo: Wage gap is "A Bargain At 77 Cents To a Dollar"

Did you know that making less money than men is a good thing? Oh, you like paying the bills and feeding your kids? Well don't fret, Carrie Lukas is here to set you straight!
Lukas, the
vice president of the anti-feminist organization the Independent Women's Forum, has a column in today's Washington Post assuring women that the wage gap is "a bargain." No seriously, she swears.
Yes, the Labor Department regularly issues new data comparing the median wage of women who work full time with the median wage of men who work full time, and women's earnings bob at around three-quarters those of men. But this statistic says little about women's compensation and the influence of discrimination on men's and women's earnings. All the relevant factors that affect pay -- occupation, experience, seniority, education and hours worked -- are ignored. This sound-bite statistic fails to take into account the different roles that work tends to play in men's and women's lives...............

........But that's not the point. What is the point is that Lukas is full of shit.
She argues that the wage gap exists because women "choose" to make less money by taking time off or working in jobs for "personal fulfillment" over pay. (Because there's nothing fulfilling about making money, I guess.)
But in fact,
last year on Equal Pay Day, The Washington Post ran an article debunking nonsense theories like Lukas':............

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