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Wednesday, January 31, 2007

GREAT piece by richard cohen

doen't need any commentary from me, he's said it all!

God told Bush to

Richard Cohen, Washington Post Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Wars get odd names. My favorite is the War of Jenkins' Ear (1739 to 1741), but the one about the Roses is good and so is the Hundred Years' War and also the French and Indian War which, somehow, neglects to mention that the British were also involved. Usually, though, those names are wonderfully descriptive and more truthful than an Orwellian moniker such as Operation Just Cause, which was that silliness in Panama (1989), or Operation Iraqi Freedom, the present debacle in the desert. A better name for it would be the War of the Water Cooler. This, I'm sure, is where it all started...........

............Two guys took us to war and now two guys keep us at war. The consensus of the country is that Bush/Cheney has failed. The president's approval ratings are lower than the average daily Washington temperature — and it is winter, for crying out loud. Now Bush has authorized the so-called surge, which is meant to rectify the slide, the mess, the coming defeat. But to Cheney, there is no slide, no mess. "Bottom line is that we've had enormous successes and we will continue to have enormous successes," is the way he put it to CNN's Wolf Blitzer. This bizarre assessment, so at odds with truth, is a Rorschach of sorts and Cheney fails it stunningly.........


Beach Bum said...

While I have written it before I fully expect to wake up one morning, turn on the news and see the Mad Master Ferret on TV saying we have attacked Iran due to some sort of Gulf of Tonkin (faked by us)like incident.
I have no problem with people of any faith, hell I've been known to warm a church pew from time to time myself but I have read and seen enough of Bush on TV to completely believe that he has some wacko messanic vision of himself.
With the buildup of naval shipsin the Persian Gulf and and tough talk from several of Bush's speeches about Iran I'm downright nervous about the next few months. Especially after this "surge" in Iraq fizzles. Messanic types (ie Jim Jones) don't calmly go down with their sinking ships.

Unknown said...

i don't know if i'm paranoid or not, but some of these stories we're being told are STINKING TO HIGH HEAVEN (so to speak).

they are now saying iranians are responsible for the execution of those four soldiers last week (a fifth was killed at the scene of the kidnapping). in MY eyes, there is ONLY a certain administration (the king and his court) who are responsible for 3,084 (as of 1:52 am) deaths AND countless wounded souls and bodies

Beach Bum said...

I agree, the timing of these stories are very suspicious given how much noise Bush has started making about Iran.

Unknown said...

we helped build ALL of these nations up. we supported SOME of their rulers even though they were EVIL DESPOTS. now we want to change THEIR history again. we had NO RIGHT to butt into their business