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Tuesday, January 09, 2007

a great little essay on jon stewart

i like colbert a great deal but i REALLY LOVE jon stewart. being in awe of someone (like tom waites) one moment and ripping someone to shreds the next (you know anyone in the current king's court). being funny yet giving us the news in a way no one else can (or will)

sure, it's on comedy central but give me jon over katie ANY day

Jon Stewart's Gandhian Struggle

by Kelly Rae Kraemer

I'm a college professor who usually despises TV, yet I'm addicted to the Daily Show. I'd love to cancel my cable subscription; I'm sure there's a better way to spend $38.04 every month, but I have to have my nightly dose of Jon Stewart. I was a bit alarmed to learn that many young people rely on Stewart as a news source, but not at all surprised when researchers found that his viewers are better informed than those who watch CNN or Fox. It could be a matter of self-selection, better-informed people choosing to watch the "Daily Show" because it addresses itself to a better-informed audience, but I think there's a different answer.
Jon Stewart wages a daily satyagraha, an on-going nonviolent struggle in which he clings to the truth, Gandhi-style, making us laugh as he gets us to think. As a result, Stewart, on his fake news show, often does a better job revealing what's going on in the world than the real news media. That's why so many young people turn to his show for their daily news, and that's why I'm glued to the boob tube every night.
Now, let me be the first to say, Jon Stewart is no Gandhi. Moments of profound wisdom are interspersed on his show with fart jokes and penis humor only a twelve-year-old boy could really enjoy........
.......Stewart routinely challenges his interviewees. When Anderson Cooper told him CNN has a "sense of mission," Stewart asked, "When's it gonna show on air?" His tenacity in holding on to the truth as his interviewees try to spin it showed clearly when he debated marriage with Bill Bennett:
JS: Why not encourage gay people to join in that family arrangement if that is what provides stability to a society?
BB: Well, I think...gay people are already members of families. They're sons and they're daughters.
JS: So that's where the buck stops? That's the gay ceiling.
BB: Look, it's a debate about whether you think marriage is between a man and a woman.
JS: I disagree. I think it's a debate about whether you think gay people are part of the human condition or just a random fetish

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