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Thursday, April 20, 2006

oh my goddess!!!

(you can't see me but i'm slapping myself on the forehead and my eyes are pleading to the heavens)

United States is no help to Iraqi women

A new poll of leaders of Iraqi women's-rights groups finds that women were treated better and their civil rights were more secure under deposed President Saddam Hussein than under the faltering and increasingly sectarian U.S.-installed government.
This is doubly troubling. It's troubling first because the Bush administration used the issue of women to justify its now widely criticized invasion of Iraq in part by promising to improve the situation of women.
It's troubling second because the administration has issued news releases, held public meetings and tried to gain media attention (as well as U.S. public support) for all the "good" it's supposedly doing the women of Iraq via this invasion.
The poll was released last week by the Integrated Regional Information Networks, a U.N. news agency covering sub-Saharan Africa, eight countries in central Asia, and Iraq.
IRIN reports the survey findings as follows: " ... women's basic rights under the Hussein regime were guaranteed in the constitution and more importantly respected, with women often occupying important government positions. Now, although their rights are still enshrined in the national constitution, activists complain that, in practice, they have lost almost all of their rights."
Moreover, leaders of women's groups say that in Iraq's new government, more men in power follow conservative Sharia (to wit, Islamic law) on women's rights and on their role in society. Senar Muhammad, president of the Baghdad-based non-government organization Woman Freedom Organization, is quoted by IRIN as saying, "When we tell the government we need more representation in parliament, they respond by telling us that, if well-qualified women appear one day, they won't be turned down. ... Then they laugh at us."
The report says more men are ordering women to "take the veil" (wear coverings from head to toe), and fewer women are working in professional jobs than when Saddam was in power.
Why did we not hear this news first from the Bush administration? Perhaps because the administration is too busy trying to put a positive "spin" on the situation in Iraq. A quick tour of the White House's own Web site reveals the administration has plenty of time to promote the kind of Iraqi women's events that make it look good. In November 2003, President Bush's public-relations personnel staged a photo op with female members of Iraq's Governing Council........


Londradical said...

Cock-ee-new? I'm sorry I'm no help, never heard of a man on the moon with that name

Unknown said...

i don't know how to spell it but that is what it sounded like. i'll ask my dad if i remember.

Neil Shakespeare said...

Progress on all fronts! The only rights that seem to be improving over there are one's right to die.

Unknown said...

the right to die AND the right to cover your entire body in a shapless garbage bag type garment

Graeme said...

yeah, i have heard that. Iraq treated women much better than Saudi Arabia. My sister in law was born in Saudi Arabia and she has horror stories. rocks thrown at her, can't drive a car, no rights whatsoever. scary stuff.

of course, by posting this, I assume you are pro-Saddam.

Unknown said...

VERY funny indeed dear mr anfinson!

i am PRO-RIGHTS FOR ALL (well EXCEPT scientologists)

Rory Shock said...

riverbend writes about this from the street level and it is absofrickinlutely outrageous ... just a product of allowing the theocracy into power ... most americans have only had our propagandists to tell us about life for the average iraqi ... for many it was better in all ways under sadam ... for some it was indeed worse ... but now it is worse than ever ... what a cluster-f

Unknown said...

not only is it worse, as i said, i believe it will take GENERATIONS to correct (if at all possible to correct at all)

it still hasn't gotten though to me. how WE can march into another country and TELL THEM WHAT TO DO and tell them how to think and attempt to put people in government we approve of (we have seen how well THAT works from other countries. you'd think we learned better)