yo yo yo search it!

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

dearest cia,

tell king george HE LIED
tell king george HE MUST GET US OUT OF VIET NAM, whoops i mean IRAQ.
tell king george we know he and his planted false and faulty data to get us INTO the unjust war in iraq
tell king george torture is at the very least MORALLY WRONG
tell king george he does NOT speak to his lil' imaginary friend jesus
tell king george rummy MUST GO
tell king george cheney MUST GO
tell king george to stop spying on united states citizens WITHOUT PROPER WARRANTS
tell king george NO ONE (well very few) LIKES HIM AS KING
tell king george BROWNIE DID NOT DO A HELL OF A JOB and both he and brownie effed up the people of the gulf coast FOR GENERATIONS
tell king george the price of heating oil and gas for cars is unnecessarily HIGH

tell king george to abdicate

with all my love and most sincerely,

a rose is a rose

even though someone whose feet are NOT firmly planted on this earth runs the washington times, i wanted to link to this article
CIA mines 'rich' content from blogs

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