yo yo yo search it!

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

and now for some levity - this from 'the american family association online'

they are ranting and raving against a new nbc show (which i've seen previews of and which seems HILARIOUS. plus it stars aidan quinn whom i love) featuring an unconventional (protestant) priest and his unconventional family. BUT WAIT.............according to the american "FAMILY" association, the priest's son (in the show) is GAY and WAIT, according to the american "FAMILY" association the show is written by a (please sit down now) PRACTICING HOMOSEXUAL! oh my goddess please save us from this horror! if our children watch it will corrupt them and immediately turn them queer (but they'll dress a lot smarter).

at the end of their article, it asks you to write letters about this (i'm guessing to nbc). i'd ask you do the same but say you'll SUPPORT THE SHOW (well at least watch the first episode and give it a chance). i am going to write immediately. those groups of closed-minded, bigoted, flaming asswipes write millions of letters (by very few people, they just write tons and tons per person) so please, lets do the same. we ALL have an 'off' knob on our tv and radio. we can use it if we don't like what's on.

New NBC Drama Show Mocks Christianity
Email NBC Chairman Bob Wright over
NBC's latest show, "The Book of Daniel."NBC is touting the network's mid-season
replacement series "The Book of Daniel" with language that implies it is a
serious drama about Christian people and Christian faith. The main character is
Daniel Webster, a drug-addicted Episcopal priest whose wife depends heavily on
her mid-day martinis.Webster regularly sees and talks with a very unconventional
white-robed, bearded Jesus. The Webster family is rounded out by a 23-year-old
homosexual Republican son, a 16-year-old daughter who is a drug dealer, and a
16-year-old adopted son who is having sex with the bishop's daughter.At the
office, his lesbian secretary is sleeping with his sister-in-law...............

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