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Tuesday, October 18, 2005

it was somewhere between 12 and 1 am this morning

and i was flipping channels. tavis smiley was on pbs and i alighted on the station. his guest was dr richard land, ceo of the southern baptist convention ethics religious liberty commission (i had to look that up on tavis' site. after all it WAS in the wee hours of the morn and i was only on my first coffee). the doc WAS articulate, i'll give him that. he WAS charismatic. i'll give him that too. he WAS FULL OF SHITE. i HAVE to give him that. those are the sorts of people that are most frightening to me. the quiet, articulate crackpot types. the ones who only see hate and only have fear in their souls. you know the type. i know you do.

i was STUNNED when he said this; 'i support harriet miers because i trust our president, george w bush'.

oh my goddess. i got chest pains AGAIN when i typed that. ewwwwwwwwwwwwwww

his second guest (well i assume second. i didn't see if anyone was on before dr land) was the former episcopal bishop john shelby spong. he didn't seem the crackpot type at all. he stated when he was a child, the bible was used as a tool for preaching racism, homophobia, misogyny, hatred of other religions and all sorts of other things. as a young man, he grew to know that was not true (unlike dr land who still uses the bible to preach hate). anyway, i feel the bible is a great book BUT it was WRITTEN BY MAN FOR MAN. it was written long ago in different times. it was written in a time when eating pigmeat and shellfish (i eat neither, i'm vegan and NOT for religious purposes) was dangerous (hence the prohibitions). i had to dash off at that point and put my face on. perhaps i'll catch a re-run and watch the rest of mr spong's interview.

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