i didn't know about the others. that doesn't surprise me though. nor does it surprise me the video(s) and stories are being blocked by firewalls from being seen and read in the uae. what i DIDN'T think about was; WHO is supplying these firewalls...............
Video of UAE torture prince assaulting 25 others -- who's censoring this news in the UAE?
Sheikh Issa bin Zayed al Nahyan, the prince from the UAE who made a video of himself brutally torturing a businessman with whom he had a dispute, has been implicated in 25 further video-recordings of other assaults.
In the leaked video, the prince sets fire to his victim's testicles, sticks a cattle-prod up his anus, beats him with a board with a nail through it, scourges him with a whip, rubs salt into his wounds, and then runs over him repeatedly with a Mecedes SUV (you can hear the bones break).
The UAE's national firewall is blocking stories about this (see the screengrab above). I know that a number of US firms have supplied the UAE with firewall services -- I'd be interested in any detail any Boing Boing reader has about the blocking shown above: did it come from a company that also supplies moral guardianship to western kids in their schools?.............
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